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Micro, small and medium-sized businesses represent 50% of global GDP

Micro, small and medium-sized businesses represent 50% of global GDP

MIAMI.- June 27 is Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Day companies. In accordance with United Nations This anniversary has been celebrated since 2007 and is conducive to exchanging ideas on how key agents, policy makers, large companies, financial institutions and the international community can contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda to achieve the Goals. of Sustainable Development.

Within the set goal is the eradication of poverty and job decent for everyone.

Likewise, the UN highlights the importance of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and the circular economy. “This type of companies, which represent 90% of companies, more than 70% of employment and 50% of GDP world, continue to be the core of the economy of most societies,” the organization points out.

Furthermore, these companies “as the backbone of societies around the world, contribute to local and national economies and to maintaining livelihoods, particularly among the poorest workers, women, youth and other vulnerable groups.” “.

Another essential aspect is that MSMEs can transform economies, encourage job creation and drive equitable economic growth.

Companies with few workers

Within the characteristics of small and medium-sized companies There is the fact that they have a small number of workers, which includes the entrepreneur who generates an idea which is developed to obtain an economic benefit.

These are independent entities that are generally not in the industrial market due to the large investments required and legal limitations, among other aspects.


Source: UN / International Day Portal / Rafael Belloso Chacín University (Venezuela)

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