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Microsoft 365 “on strike” again: Problem paralyzes search function

Microsoft is again reporting problems with the Microsoft 365 service. The group is investigating an ongoing bug that is disrupting customers worldwide when using the search function across multiple Microsoft 365 services. There was an outage just a few days ago.

The list of affected services includes Outlook on the web, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Microsoft Teams, and Outlook Desktop Clients, among others. Users reported that the search fields suddenly didn’t work – if you wanted to look for certain documents or keywords, for example, you didn’t get any results.

According to the group, it is an error that has already been localized. Microsoft has written several tweets that provide information about the current situation with Microsoft 365 services. The first reports about the search problems were already in the early afternoon German time. Among other things, it said:

“We’re investigating an issue where users may not be able to use the search experience across multiple Microsoft 365 services. We have developed a fix for the impact to the search experience that we are currently validating internally to ensure it is working is efficient before we deploy it. We’re also looking at whether changing the ECS configuration can provide a faster fix.”

Microsoft later confirmed that they had made good progress with the internal tests, but that the correction was not yet complete. However, according to the Microsoft 365 team, the fix is ​​not yet ready to be applied in all affected environments to mitigate the effects.

No solution in sight yet

The company asks for patience. At around 8.30 p.m. German time, the final tests of the correction were being carried out. “We’ve seen positive results from a preliminary change and are considering further updates to improve the experience,” was the final message. So if you also notice problems in the search in Microsoft 365, take a look Twitter for status messageswhether there is an update.

  • Microsoft 365 service again with problems: search function disrupted in several services of the offer.
  • Services Affected: Outlook on the web, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Microsoft Teams, Outlook Desktop Clients.
  • Microsoft is investigating persistent error, has developed and internally validated solution.
  • Final tests of the correction are ongoing, results are positive so far.
  • Check Twitter statuses for updates.
  • Microsoft asks for patience.
  • Affected customers worldwide.

See also:

Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Microsoft Office, microsoft 365, microsoft office 365, Office suite, Microsoft 365 business, Microsoft Office 365 logo, Microsoft 365 logo

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