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Microsoft-Activision: an Xbox event in London in the day of the verdetto della CMA?

Standing up to what is reported by Sky News, Microsoft sows in the program a event related to gaming and the world Xbox In London, press the number 10 Downing Street, over the residence of the English Prime Minister.

The curious detail of this event is that it will take place on April 26, in good agreement with the data of the verdetto finale of the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority), the British antitrust that, overcome the perplessità iniziali, sows ormai prone to dare their own I will be thereAcquisition of Activision-Blizzard-King by Microsoft.

L’impressione generale, dunque, è che il colosso di Redmond sia particularly fiducioso sull’esito positive gives part of the regulatory body, and that the data and the place are scelti for the event in question non siano casuali. Naturally, we still can’t give the information for certain, and it will be necessary to attend to it alone, which Microsoft will be responsible for reporting officials to the riguardo.

At the same time that if it is finalized, the CMA has temporarily expressed a positive opinion regarding the Microsoft-Activision affair, and in the second font of Bloomberg also the European Commission He will give his well-being indefinitely. It remains to manage in court the most intricate situation with the Federal Trade Commission from statunitense, with the president Lina Khan who is accused of having parteggiato by Sony nonetheless if it is the leader of the market console.

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