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Microsoft Edge, a new multitasking breakthrough: how to try it

Microsoft Edge it is a browser that is always growing and in the course of its development it has gradually introduced new features, aimed at improving the performance and usability of the browser. The last of these is the new split screen mode, which allows you to view two web pages simultaneously in two separate panes within a single tab. The functionality is very interesting and it can be particularly useful in facilitating multitasking activitiessuch as the ability to manage email simultaneously with other network activity, including spreadsheets or other cloud services.

Source: BleepingComputer

The feature is currently in the experimental stageinitially present in a particular version of Edge codenamed “Phoenix”, and can be tested within the Dev and Canary versions of the browser by enabling it within the page edge://flags. Once done, you can activate it by clicking on the button “Split Tabs”, which will appear in the right section of the search bar, immediately after the button for managing extensions. When the function is active, the central section, where the web page is displayed, will split into two screens, as well as the search bar will split into two sectionsgiving users the possibility to browse and carry out their activities on two different sites at the same time.

The right side will initially suggest as well a list of recently visited sites, by clicking on them the pages will automatically open in the right screen. If you want to open a site other than those listed in the recent history, you can make use of the split search bar or the button to open a new tab. The release date still remains unknown, but the hope is that the feature will be made available soon, in one of the next stable versions of Microsoft Edge.

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