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Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony confirmed for Summer Game Fest

We already had high expectations Summer Game Fest, which begins on June 8. Founder, producer and host Geoff Keighley never fails to deliver big surprises, and this year the show will be the closest we’ll get to an E3 event.

Despite this, it looks like this year’s Summer Game Fest could be something really special. Keighley just confirmed on Twitter which companies will be attending the event with things to present and advertise, and it turns out there are over 40 of them. This includes console manufacturers Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony as well as third parties such as Activision, Bandai Namco, Capcom, CD Projekt Red, Paradox, Sega and Warner. There are also hardware companies like Razer and Samsung, and for that matter more unexpected companies. The latter include Disney, Magic the Gathering and Netflix.

Check out the full list below and start the countdown – there’s less than a month to go. Are there any announcements in particular that you’re hoping for?

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