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Middle East: the UN denounces the legalization of nine Israeli colonies in the occupied West Bank as a "hindrance" to peace

“Israel’s continued settlement activities jeopardize the viability of the two-state solution,” the UN Security Council said on Monday.

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The UN Security Council denounced in a statement on Monday, February 20, the legalization of nine Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, considering that settlement is a “hinder” to peace.

“Israel’s continued settlement activities jeopardize the viability of the two-state solution,” considers the Council in this statement by the presidency, supported by all of these 15 members, including France. The Council also expresses “his deep concern and dismay” regarding the Israeli announcement of the legalization of the nine settlements and the construction of new housing in the existing settlements.

A motion for a resolution considered “not very useful”

After the announcement by the Israeli security cabinet on February 12 of the legalization of these nine colonies, the United Arab Emirates had circulated among the member states of the Council a draft resolution condemning “all attempts at annexation, including Israeli decisions and actions regarding settlements” and calling “upon their immediate withdrawal”. The text also demanded that Israel cease “immediately and completely its settlement activities in the occupied territories, including East Jerusalem”.

The initiative had provoked the discontent of the United States, which has the right of veto in the Council. The State Department had thus denounced a resolution “of little use in terms of the support needed for the negotiations on the two-state solution”. Washington had however at the same time denounced the Israeli announcement on the nine colonies. The draft resolution was withdrawn after discussions in particular between Palestinians and Americans, indicated a diplomatic source.

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