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Migration Colombia invited to use Biomig to avoid queues at peak hours

Migración Colombia invitó a usar Biomig para evitar filas en horas pico

martha hernandezthe deputy director of Migration Control, recommended the use of Biomig to expedite the entry and exit of the country during the control and migration process at El Dorado Airport.

Migración Colombia offers Colombian and foreign travelers this alternative to avoid delays. According to the official, they have observed that Biomig machines are often not used to their full capacity by travelers, despite the fact that they could speed up their passage through immigration control points at airports. Therefore, she extended an invitation to all travelers to use this biometric tool and thus avoid unnecessary queues.

Biomig is available both for Colombian travelers (when entering and leaving the country) and for foreigners (only when leaving Colombia). This tool facilitates migration control by allowing the advance registration of personal and travel information, which speeds up the process in the migration areas of international flights.

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Peak hours and queues at Migration Colombia

In addition, the Deputy Director explained that another cause of the queues at certain times in the migration zones is due to the fact that, as in land transport, there are peak hours in passenger flow due to to flight scheduling, a phenomenon that occurs both in Colombia and in other airports around the world.

In order to improve the service and reduce customer service times for travelers, the general director of Colombia Migration, Fernando Garcia Manosalva, announced that the entity will reinforce its staff with the incorporation of more than 100 new positions throughout the country. These additional resources will strengthen the work teams and allow more agile attention to users.

For more details on the use and benefits of Biomig and Foreign Biomigcan be found on the official website of Colombia Migration:

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