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Miguel Russo: “The club is growing at all levels”

The technical director himself spoke about all this in Radiópolis on Radio 2 about how he works every day so that the club gets ahead.

“I am not one to put a number on the team. This is day by day. We are constantly improving because it has to do with many things. Argentine soccer constantly gives you surprises and balance is difficult. We know that we are not the ideal team or anything like that.”

“It is a new stage in my career and I have always had very difficult moments. I know that what is coming is hard, but if we are all together, Central grows on its own, ”he had said on his return to the club with the start of the Belloso administration.

In his fifth term in the scoundrel, the 67-year-old DT seeks every day to help improve the debt of the previous term. “The club’s debt is very large and high. We knew it would be like this. You have to be ingenious with the players and leaders because the coach can ask and ask, but if there are no resources it is very difficult. We are going to have to accommodate to the economy of the club, as it happens to different clubs. Find, promote and get. I like it, I make it happy and happy to all this”said.

Alejo Véliz and Gino Infantino, young rogue players, are already concentrating to play the Sub 20 World Cup, which marks a very important youth present for the club. “We have achieved a very good group. We are strengthening ourselves more and more. Now we have two boys who are going to a World Cup and the club’s image is very good,” he said, adding: “It is difficult to replace Alejo. He is a different player. We will see the different alternatives we have.”

He also talked about Marco Ruben. “Marco knows what I think. That he wants to come, he knows that the club is open. Marco is an emblem and the one who does what he needs and wants to”.

At Central, he always wonders what will happen to the possible return of Ángel Di María to the scoundrel, but everything is uncertain and from the leadership the answer is always that “the decision will be up to the player.” On this issue, Russo stated: “The club is growing at all levels and Gonzalo has a heavy debt load and limits him in a lot of things. We are in something permanent looking for solutions. We are on that path, when we improve this, everything else will follow.”

Finally, in recent games DT is seen arguing and euphoric about some arbitration decisions or football moments that surpass him.

“There are things that I discuss, which are very simple things that are not fulfilled. Those things go beyond me and I try to keep the balance because they are things that have to do with the question of the game. We have talks with people who help us with these types of things because there are always doubts and there are specialized people for that. This is changing and we are leading the way. These are things that can surpass me and this is football and it is Argentina,” he concluded.

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