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Mike Pompeo assured that Israel has a “biblical claim” about palestine

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas a “terrorist” after stating that Israel has a “biblical claim” to the territory currently occupied by the divided nation. This occurred in a podcast called “One Decision”, where the American politician was against the “two-state solution”.

Pompeo on his visit to Israel.

According to the official, “Israel it is not an occupying nation. As an evangelical Christian I am convinced by my reading of the Bible that from 3,000 years ago until now this land is the true home of the Jewish people. The politician pointed out that he is in favor of “any result that guarantees the security of the Israeli inhabitants.”

He was very critical of the president of Palestine.

“What is in the best interest of the American people? Is it to sit and wait for Abbas, a known terrorist who murdered hundreds of people, to draw a line on a map? The former Secretary of State was running back and forth between Tel Aviv and Ramallah to draw them, that is not in the best interest of the American public, we have to go create peace and we did.” ruled on the situation between Israel and Palestine, which in recent days has gained more strength due to the assumption of an extreme right-wing administration..

Pompeo’s policies in government

During his time in government, the American had several policies related to this middle country East that generated great discontent in the international community, especially to remove a law that declared that the settlements it had Israel in the West Bank as “inconsistent with international law”a criticism shared by several Western countries, who point out that this situation breaks with the rules of the Geneva conventions.

During his time as Secretary of State, the United States moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

In addition to this, Pompeo was already secretary of state when the Donald Trump government decided to move the embassy that the United States had in the Mediterranean nation from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, one of the movements most criticized by the international community who saw this as a way that the North American nation had to foment violence in the region.

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