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Milan is close to 20 million for Yunus and Valencia accepts the transfer

Milan is close to 20 million for Yunus and Valencia accepts the transfer

The departure of Yunus of the Valencia is getting closer. He Milan has increased its offer to get closer to the 20 million eurosbetween fixed and variable, and the club of mestalla considers it good The footballer had committed to the rossonero club weeks ago, but the maximum shareholder of the Valencia, peter limhad ordered not to let the footballer out for less than 20 million. Initially they had been 25but there was no club -not even in England– to come close to this amount. In addition, the Milan It has been the entity that has most seriously bid for the North American international and the footballer’s attitude of wanting to dress as a Rossonero has also influenced the negotiation.

From the Valencia They indicate that you have to be “prudent” because important details are missing in any transfer operation. Among other things a formal written offer to which the club mestalla can also answer officially. But the conditions that have been transferred from Italy are already considered acceptable after several weeks of tug of war. Don’t forget that Yunus He joined training later, because he finished his international commitments later and that in this period he has only been able to play 45 minutes of a friendly and he has missed several training sessions referring to some discomfort in his knee.

From the Valencia it is considered that in the figure around 20 million euros It is not convenient to extend the operation any longer because the market was not going to offer more for the player. The truth is Yunus leave the Valencia with only 20 years compliments and with a hundred matches in first division and that makes him a very desirable player since he has a very interesting future projection.

But neither should we forget that his last half year in the Valencia -behind the world– was disappointing and, in some cases, led to Rubn Baraja I would stop counting on him. He Valencia Know what Yunus It may be the summer sale, and that could help it not come out Mamardashvili. Although this remains to be seen when more than a month of market is missing.

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