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Milei spoke again to answer Cristina: “She is terrified”

The deputy and pre-candidate for president for Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, said that Cristina Kirchner “is terrified” of the advance of her force and the concrete possibility that Kirchnerism may come in third place in the elections.

After the vice president referred to him during the act she led yesterday in La Plata, Milei questioned the former president again, saying that “Cristina sees herself as chaste” and “she is terrified of the advancement of our ideas among young people.”

Within this framework, the economist assured that “there is the possibility that Kirchnerism will come third in these elections.”

Regarding his plan to dollarize, something that was also questioned by Cristina Kirchner, he said that “with 33 billion dollars it will be dollarized” and that “the most complicated part is the entire legal framework. If Congress rejects the dollarization project, We will try a referendum.”

“With the verse of monetary sovereignty, 30 billion dollars are going away from us,” he affirmed and recalled about his idea that there is no Central Bank that “between 1880 and 1935 Argentina did not have a Central Bank and annual inflation was 1% “.

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