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Milinkovic-Savic closes the door: his decisive saves against Milan

The Serbian goalkeeper brings home a definitely positive performance against Pioli’s team despite several risky saves

Ivan’s team Juric before starting to focus on the next league match against Spezia, you will want to enjoy the success achieved in the Italian Cup against Milan for a few more moments, thus flying to the quarter-finals of a very important competition which the grenades rightly hold dear. The one who has more than one reason to celebrate the victory obtained against the Rossoneri is certainly Vanja Milinkovic-Savic. In fact, the goalkeeper born in 1997 managed to keep a clean sheet and so the number of goals conceded by the grenade in the Italian Cup is equal to zero. Rodriguez and his teammates, in addition to not conceding a goal from Milan, didn’t even let Palermo and Cittadella score in the previous rounds. The goal achieved by the number 32 grenade is an important goal that certainly wasn’t taken for granted and now Milinkovic-Savic’s goal will be to continue to keep the shutter closed for as long as possible, this in both competitions that Toro is playing . A difficult goal but not impossible. With performances like the one obtained against Milan and if fewer risks are taken, this goal can be reached.

The test of the Serbian goalkeeper remedied against the Rossoneri

In the match against the team coached by Stefano Pegs the former Standard Liège goalkeeper on several occasions gave the Toro fans a good scare, but all in all Milinkovic-Savic’s performance was good enough to obtain a vote that goes far beyond the sufficiency. This is thanks to the lucidity and reflexes that the Serbian showed especially in the last desperate attacks by Milan on the grenade door in an attempt to tie the match. The victory against Milan has certainly increased Milinkovic-Savic’s self-esteem as well as that of all Toro who will now be unable to miss the match against Spezia, a challenge that the grenades will play in front of their fans.

Vanja Milinkovic-Savic and Olivier Giroud in Milan-Turin

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