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Millions of gamers want to save more energy – study shows clear trend in the games industry

The climate crisis and electricity prices are also a big concern for gamers. Around 16 million gamers in Germany are now paying more attention to their energy consumption when gambling than last year. game – Association of the German Games Industry eV – came to this result and many others

More green in the gaming industry and its community

In cooperation with the market research institute YouGov, game launched one in November last year representative survey conducted with 2,046 people over the age of 16. It turned out that four out of ten gamers even pay attention to power consumption when purchasing their gaming devices. Six out of ten gamers also make sure not only to put their devices in standby mode, but to turn them off completely.

“Rising electricity prices and a general growing awareness of environmental and climate protection are also making millions of gamers take a more critical look at their energy consumption when gaming. Whether using energy-saving settings on the devices or purchasing more energy-efficient hardware: there are already many different ways of having a great gaming experience to enjoy less energy consumption, and many gamers also use this,” says Felix Falk, Managing Director of game – Association of the German Games Industry.

Here you can see the results of the survey. Gamers also want to go green.

Companies are also increasingly paying attention to environmentally friendly measures. Xbox recently announced an update with a particularly energy-saving mode, and many hardware manufacturers, such as Razer, want to become more sustainable and have already taken specific measures to do so. This trend is also noticeable in Germany. Around 75 percent of German games companies – regardless of whether they are developers, publishers or organizers – are involved in sustainable projects for the environment.

Measures here are, for example, more energy-efficient production of the products, more sustainable product packaging or games that deal with topics such as environmental protection and sustainability.

If you want to know more about the power consumption of your gaming devices, in this article we have calculated in detail what a powerful gaming PC, a laptop, the PS5, the Steam Deck and many other consoles cost you on the electricity bill.

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