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Mining Law is stopped in the Senate due to struggles between morenistas

mayolo lopez
Reform Agency

Tuesday, April 25, 2023 | 18:31

Mexico City.- Recently approved in the Chamber of Deputies, the reform to the Mining Law was stopped in the Senate of the Republic due to the struggles that prevail within Morena and its allies.

The Morenista Rafael Espino, president of the Second Legislative Studies Commission, proposed that this body and the Mining Commission be established as a permanent commission given the disagreement that was emerging between the Green Ecologist bench and the opponents so that the presented opinion could be approved.

Last week, in San Lázaro, the Morena bench presented a new reform proposal, different from the one originally sent by President López Obrador, which established a 15-year concession period; The mining businessmen protested and forced changes so that the period would remain at 30 years.

The senator and mining leader Napoleón Gómez Urrutia affirmed in a press conference that “the big mining companies” are resisting the current reform.

“The main problem we had in front of us is the time available, not for discussion, but for approval. Because the intention was to approve the reform and the considerations that had remained pending, to finalize them in August or next September.

“However, opinions began to emerge from the opposition parties, and when they questioned that there was very little time, and they expressed legal and legaloid puritanism; but this law, even with the modifications made by the deputies, is quite positive,” he observed. .

Gómez Urrutia said that the “big mining companies began to make their pressure felt that they did not want to change or modify the law. Everything positive about this law remains on hold, although there are points that can be improved.”

César Cravioto, also a Morenista, accused the PAN and PRI benches of opposing the law because “their interest is to hand over our natural resources to private companies.” He also said that “the pressure of the interests of the large mining corporations should not be allowed to prevail over the popular will to transform this country.”

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