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Minister Javier Laynez will analyze the challenge of the INAI

After Minister Loretta Ortiz Ahlf denied the suspension requested by the the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) so that he can meet with four commissioners, now the mMinister Javier Laynez Potisek will be the one to analyze the challenge presented by the transparency body.

The lack of a quorum in the INAI has caused the plenary session to be unable to meet for more than a month and, therefore, hundreds of review appeals regarding transparency and protection of personal data remain unresolved.

If Minister Laynez admits the INAI appeal for processing, it will correspond to the Second Chamber of the Court to vote on the project that he presents for resolution.

Minister Ortiz Ahlf is attached to said Chamber, who denied the suspension to INAI, however, there is nothing that legally prevents her from voting on the matter to sustain her agreement once Laynez presents her resolution.

On May 2, the INAI affirmed to the express question of the Process that they will not request that the minister abstain from voting on the appeal because she trusts in the impartiality of all the members of the SCJN.

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