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Minister Paola Lazarte clarifies that she does not agree with formalizing the collective order; but she targets the ATU

Minister Paola Lazarte refers to the formalization of urban transport. tv peru

The owner of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), Paola Lazarte, In a press conference, he announced that during the session of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday, a Supreme Decree was approved that modifies the regulations for the organization and functions of the Urban Transport Authority (ATU) in Lima and Callao.

We have made decisions regarding the urban transport of Lima and Callao Thinking about the people who take more than five hours to go to work and return home,” said the official.

In this sense, Lazarte explained that in view of the need to provide a quality and formal mass transportation service, actions were approved that allow them to evaluate the officials who direct the TO YOU.

“Aware of this problem and the need to formalize and have quality mass transportation, we have approved some measures that serve to evaluate the officials who run this entity of urban transportin order to guide the results and have tangible benefits of urban transport in the short term, especially with the issue of formality and reduction of transport times”, commented the head of the TCM.

Likewise, the minister said that the large projects that Lima and Callao need will be promoted to facilitate the transport and mobilization of people to their jobs and homes. “We cannot wait as a city, we cannot wait as a country, we cannot be left behind either and other countries are ahead of us. We have to speed up these projects,” she remarked.

As for the proposal to formalize the collective car in Lima and Callao, Lazarte emphasized that the government does not agree with formalizing this type of transport, but will focus on the work and objective of modernize and optimize the urban mass transport systemguaranteeing the safety of citizens.

For his part, he head of the Ministerial Cabinet, Alberto Otárola, He said the city of Lima can no longer support the current state of transportation and it is necessary to take measures to address this problem; That is why this supreme decree has been approved in the Minister council to modify the Regulation of Organization and Functions (ROF) of the Urban Transport Authority for Lima and Callao (ATU).

During a press conference, he stressed the responsibility of the Government to relaunch policies related to the public transport. He assured that this implies making decisions and implementing them effectively.

María Jara denounces that the Executive’s decision only politicizes the ATU. channel N

For his part, María Jara, executive president of the ATUquestioned the decision of the Executive Power, through the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC)by means of a supreme decree, seeks to modify the regulation of organization and functions of the transport institution of Lima and Callao.

“What is striking is that this supreme decree would seek to remove institutionality from the TO YOU and it just coincides with the fact that you want to move in the Congress of the republic, by a congressman, a law to formalize the collective taxi. What you have to do is confront, close ranks,” said the official.

In addition, Jara pointed out that he completed a trade at the President of the Council of Ministers, Alberto Otárola, showing their concern for said decree. In the document, she describes it as a bad sign for the transport sector that needs stability. In addition, she requests a meeting in order to present the work plan for the remainder of 2023.

Jara remembered that the TO YOU was created from organic law of municipalitiesand from there it is established that the members of his board of directors They are appointed for five years, and that they are not trusted servants, but public officials with stability and with regulated departure.

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