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Ministry of Health reaffirms safety of vaccines against covid-19

The Minister of Health, Nísia Trindade, denied, this Thursday (20), misinformation content about the Astrazeneca and Janssen vaccines against covid-19. Fake news claim that the immunizer has been banned in Brazil and condemn immunizers. “This episode I classify as a fake news. In fact, there is no recommendation not to use these vaccines. On the contrary, they are effective vaccines”.

Nísia Trindade clarifies that there was a recommendation from the Ministry of Health for them to be used in the population over 40 years old. “At this moment, I reaffirm what the ministry has said: all vaccines that have had authorization for use or definitive registration, which is the case of the Astrazeneca vaccine, are vaccines that offer safety and that we indicate to an age group where there are fewer chances of adverse events, which are rare, but this is always done considering the times of an epidemic and the vaccines available. It is a practice that has nothing exceptional.”

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The statement was given to journalists during the disclosure of the report of the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef), in Brasília, which points to a reduction in the vaccination of children between 2019 and 2021.

importance of vaccination

The minister recalled that all vaccines against covid-19 used in Brazil were fundamental for reducing hospitalization and the number of deaths from the disease. And she highlighted the “importance of vaccination in all age groups, just as we recommend childhood vaccination. Vaccination following the schedule defined by the Ministry of Health”, concluded the minister.


In note released on April 14, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) went public to deny false information that has been circulating for days on social networks about a Technical Note published by the Ministry of Health in December 2022. “With the publication of the Technical Note in question ( of the Ministry of Health), viral vector vaccines, which include the vaccine produced by Fiocruz, are now recommended preferably for people over 40 years old. There is, therefore, no contraindication or prohibition for the use of this vaccine for the age group of 18 to 40 years. The Ministry may again recommend the vaccine for this age group in the future, if it deems it necessary”.

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