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Miss Dayana decorates her first family Christmas tree with her husband and daughter

Miss Dayana decorates her first family Christmas tree with her husband and daughter

It’s already Christmas at the house of Miss Dayana, Mario and little Victoria and this year nothing stopped the three of them from decorating their first tree to welcome the most anticipated stage of the year.

The Cuban singer shared a video on Instagram of this super special moment that they ended up enjoying very much.

Our first family tree. Last year Victoria was 10 and a half months old at this time, she was already walking and touching and holding on to everything. For that reason and because she was also sick, we didn’t have much Christmas spirit, nor did we think it was wise to put up her little tree. But this year her father decided that we would do it and she participated with so much enthusiasm and emotion that it was definitely the right decision,” the artist said in her publication.

However, the Christmas tree is being quite a daily adventure: “You almost have to assemble the tree every daybecause she disarms him little by little, we want him to start experiencing the magic of Christmas.”

The singer asked her followers to tell her about some of the traditions for these dates because “although Victoria is the baby of the house, all of this is new for us too,” she confessed.

In the images Victoria is seen helping her parents decorate the tree and also some beautiful photos of the three of them in their Christmas costumes.

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