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Missed opportunity: Handball Final Four failed to set an example

More attention, more respect, more money – these are all understandable demands for women in sport. But change doesn’t come overnight. For this, the structures have to be improved and a lot has to be invested in advance. Unfortunately, the European League Final Four of the women’s handball team in Graz was not the best example of this.

From a sporting point of view, the quite exciting final weekend was a certain success for the German handball players, because with Thüringer HC and Borussia Dortmund two teams from the Bundesliga were represented and a certain increase in quality can be seen from this. However, in the end they both lost to their respective Danish opponents in Europe’s second-biggest club competition and in the end Ikast Handbold deservedly took the title as the only undefeated club in the competition. So far, so expected.

The organizational part, on the other hand, is another matter. The lack of advertising in the Mur city was the first sad indication that was only underlined by the few spectators in the hall. However, what began with marketing continued in gameplay. The usual lists of the players with the respective goals were missing on the scoreboard, but to the indignation of the coaches the time penalties were initially missing. This is district class instead of international top level.

The graduation ceremony was the appropriate sequel. A gold magnum and the classic “We are the Champions” anthem had to suffice. There was no light show, live performance and tinsel, as is often the case with the men. The winners from Jutland were not bothered by this in their triumphal enthusiasm. They also turned night into day, and they are celebrated appropriately in their home country anyway. Because sport is much more important there – especially for women.

In Graz, on the other hand, advertising for women’s handball was missed. This showed that there is still room for improvement on a pan-European level.

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