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MIT scientists sent a box the size of a microwave that could be key to space construction

The future of space exploration lies in long-distance manned missions over an extended period of time. The Moon and Mars are the sites to which the POT and other space agencies, but it is uncertain where science will take us in 100 or 200 years.

However, focusing on the immediate, the trips to the moon and mars they are a tangible reality. The natural satellite will have our visit at the end of this decade and the red planet will probably see a human a few years later.

So, in order to materialize these projects, inventions such as the one developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are needed. It is a box the size of a microwave that aims to revolutionize spatial construction.

according to review The Spanish, one of the most curious elements to highlight this invention, beyond its science as such, is that MIT scientists developed it to work in microgravity environments. On Earth, where there are abundant components for the development of life as we know it, it would not be of any use.

In this way, it is taken into account that it is made solely and exclusively for missions in space.

The MIT Mystery Box on NASA’s ISS

This mysterious box is a kind of materials made up of elastic components that resemble a balloon. Inside, instead of filling them with air, the scientists injected resin. With a formula, they made them sensitive to ultraviolet light and, always in the environment of microgravity, it is capable of hardening when exposed to such lighting in space.

The outside of the box is made of metal and inside is that it has the elastic with the resin. Due to this mechanism, scientists have designed it so that it is capable of manufacturing a part in a matter of moments. This would greatly reduce the amount of charge that is sent into space, since this would be a method to manufacture objects needed in space.

The experiment carried out on the ISS has already passed its first phase of 45 days. Now, the scientific teams are preparing for the second stage. For now, they want to ensure that the final material is robust enough for use in space.

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