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Mitteldeutsche Zeitung on the 49-euro ticket

Central German newspaper


Critics of the nine-euro ticket rightly stated last year that even the cheapest ticket is useless where there is no bus service. It can be added: where a bus drives, it is often not competitive with a car because it takes far too long and its travel times do not match the start and end of work. It’s not that this finding is new. But the transport ministers from the federal and state governments have learned nothing from it. After long debates, they agreed on the new ticket, argued passionately about its financing – and acted as if the traffic turnaround had been achieved. Everyone knows that’s not the case at all.

Press contact:

Central German newspaper
Marc Rath
Phone: 0345 565 4200

Original content from: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, transmitted by news aktuell

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