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Mocipar case: Dany Durand obtains ambulatory freedom

Mocipar case: Dany Durand obtains ambulatory freedom

“Tales with the President” was the first official activity of Santiago Peña as head of state, at the Federal Republic of Germany Basic School, where he shared with the students for “Children’s Day”, which is commemorated on August 16.

With the aim of promoting the importance of reading comprehension for the development of girls, boys and adolescents, within the framework of the Literacy Plan to improve learning in Paraguay, this Wednesday, August 16, was held at Basic School No. 409 ” Federal Republic of Germany”, of Asunción, the day for Children’s Day called “Stories with the President: Fostering the love of reading.”

This activity marks the relevance of education in the Government’s agenda, where it is highlighted that reading comprehension, language development and critical thinking are fundamental skills for the training of thoughtful, proactive leaders with a vocation for service and with values.

On the occasion, the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña Palacios, in a message addressed to the students of the aforementioned institution, stressed that “the most important thing for a child is education. And I want to work for education. I loved coming here to read a story to the children. We were reading, reflecting and I want to leave you the message that you enjoy this time, that you enjoy Children’s Day, because it is your day, with fun, calm, but always paying attention to the teacher and at home obeying dad and mother”.

“This is such a beautiful time in life. I have very nice memories of the time when he was a child. It is very important that they study, that they learn, because that will give them tools for tomorrow. We are going to work for Paraguay and I thank the Minister of Education, the Vice Ministers, the teachers and all the parents who accompany the process of educating the children.s”, the president pointed out.

This journey consisted of two phases. The first referred to the pedagogical participation of the authorities with the in-depth reading of texts adapted to their stage of development and a reflection with the girls and boys of the Basic School Education level of the 3rd, 4th, 7th and 9th grades. from that school.

Later, in the second phase, Reading books were delivered and a painting was materialized in honor of the Children’s Day celebration.

The event was attended by the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña Palacios; the First Lady of the Nation, Leticia Ocampos; the Minister of Education and Sciences, Luis Fernando Ramírez; the Minister for Children and Adolescents, Walter Gutiérrez; the vice ministers of Basic Education, María Gloria Pereira; of Higher Education, Federico Mora; of Worship, David Velázquez, in addition to other national and educational authorities.

It may interest you: Peña presents “Paraguay, the resurgence of a giant”

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