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Moldovan President calls for mass rally

In a televised address today, Moldovan President Maia Sandu called for a major pro-European rally in Chisinau. So far, thanks to the protests financed “with dirty money”, only the voices of the pro-Russian forces have been heard – it is time that “the world finally heard the voices of the many”, namely the Moldovan pro-Europeans, said Sandu .

Reuters/Vladislav Culiomza

According to the pro-European President, the mass rally is to take place on May 21st. Sandu emphasized that Moldovan citizens had repeatedly held large rallies in the past – either to demand their country’s independence or to defend “our young democracy”.

Now the time has come to demonstrate that as a people we want to belong to the big European family and are ready to work “united and courageously” for this dream – it should not be that only bought voices are audible, financed by “thieves who have betrayed their country and now want to destabilize it,” Sandu said.

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