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Monreal promises to seek an agreement to designate at least one INAI commissioner

Ricardo Monreal Ávila reported that he will work in the search for consensus within the parliamentary group of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) party in the Chamber of Senators, which he coordinates, to designate at least one of the three commissioners of the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (Inai), whose appointments are pending, two of these since March last year.

“We are in this process and I personally have a lot of interest and conviction that it is convenient to integrate this constitutional body,” said the president of the Political Coordination Board (JCP) of the Upper House.

He will try that in the four ordinary sessions of the chamber plenary that remain in the current period, he explained, the Senate can appoint “at least” one INAI commissioner, “so that it works properly with the five commissioners” that make up the plenary session of the autonomous entity.

I am, at least, very sure to continue insisting. But I depend on my parliamentary group, on the majority of the parliamentary group,” he clarified.

During this week and the next, he finally insisted, “I am going to try to build consensus as president” of the JCP, although he reiterated in the sense that “the issue is with Morena, PT and Verde,” with whose benches will meet today “to find a solution,” and then be able to call a meeting of the JCP to approve, if applicable, the agreement that must be submitted to a vote by the full chamber.

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