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Montachoques got out of a taxi and vandalized a truck in Viaducto Tlalpan

A driver captured the moment when several men damaged a truck in Tlalpan (Twitter @RONIPULMEX)

The video began to circulate on social networks in which the moment in which alleged forklifts hit a van in Viaducto Tlalpanin Mexico City (CDMX). The event occurred before the eyes of dozens of motorists who were circulating on this road.

It was one of the drivers passing through the area who recorded the scene, in which you can see two men hitting a gray double cab cargo van which was parked It is presumed that the attackers, presumed forklifts, got off a cabwhich was right in front of the vandalized vehicle.

Those responsible, a man wearing jean pants with a pink shirt and another who was wearing pants with a striped shirt, they kicked in one of the doors of the van and hit the front end with a cross wrench.

The alleged forklifts broke the windows of the truck, according to a witness (Twitter @RONIPULMEX)

In the recording it can be seen that on the opposite side of the attackers there was a third person, who was covered by the vehicle, so it is not possible to know if he was also vandalizing or if it was the driver.

The person who recorded said on social networks that a family was traveling on board the van and? the taxi was closed, after which the subjects got out of the vehicle and broke the windows. He added that other taxis arrived to “do their own thing”, but he could not record them.

Netizens shared their suspicions that it could be bumpername by which criminals are known who pretend or cause road mishaps in order to extort to their victims.

The forklifts extort their victims (Jovani Pérez/Infobae)

Its modus operandi consists of faking or provoking a road incident, to later demand motorists a payment in exchange for not physically assaulting them. To intimidate, the forklifts insult or threaten with a weapon.

This mode of extortion began to intensify in 2020, as reported by the Secretariat for Citizen Security of Mexico City (SSC-CDMX) after identifying a large number of complaints related to road accidents.

In comments, several citizens also expressed their outrage over the insecurity in CDMX, others questioned whether it was a duly registered taxi, and some more shared having had similar experiences.

Presumably more taxi drivers arrived to attack the driver of the truck that was driving through the Tlalpan (Cuartoscuro) viaduct.

“That mother is not even a taxi, she is clearly a pirate”, “How long are they going to do something against the taxi drivers and make them crash, they report, they hide the plates, they erase the chromatics and they erase the numbers on the plates and nothing happens”, “ That happened to me at the beginning of the month and even to report it is a huge problem not even the panic buttons could help me, only a few with luck” and “Nobody made them cowardly strike”, were some of the comments that could be read.

On the other hand, one person managed to see the number of license plates and, when consulting the information in an app of the capital’s government, indicated that could be a model car nissan versa of 2015.

The Semovi responded to the report of the incident with the forklifts (Pixabay)

Finally the video reached the Ministry of Mobility (semovi), who shared a message on social networks in which he urged those affected to present a Complaint to the Mexico City Attorney General’s Office (FGJCDMX).

“Good afternoon, we regret what happened, if we had more information about the facts, it would help us to provide it, it is important that the affected people present the corresponding complaint to the Prosecutor’s Office.”

The witness indicated that he did not have more information but shared with Semovi a video of an approach to the plates. The agency has not given further details about what actions will be carried out to punish those responsible for vandalizing the truck and intimidating its crew.

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