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More classified documents found at Biden’s home

Washington DC, USA.- Assistants to President Joe Biden found additional documents of classified information at his Delaware home this week, the White House reported Saturday.

The additional pages, a person with direct knowledge of the matter said, were discovered hours after a White House statement on Thursday citing only one that had turned up in a storage area adjacent to the garage of his Wilmington home.

Justice Department employees went to retrieve those documents, which Biden aides had discovered the night before.

The disclosure came as the President’s lawyers provided new details about their discovery in the last two months of classified materials from his time as Vice President at his home and an office he used before starting his 2020 campaign.

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed special counsel this week to investigate Biden’s handling of classified materials.

They also defended their decision not to be fully forthcoming on the matter. The White House has come under fire for its public disclosures, including why it failed to disclose the discoveries much sooner and why, when it acknowledged Monday that some classified files had been found in Biden’s office on November 2, it failed to indicate that they had been found. found more in his house the following month.

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