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More insecurity in groups: 2 drivers assaulted in La Matanza and an inspector stabbed in the heart of downtown Buenos Aires

He stole everything from me, there were two of them, one hits me with a pineapple on the head, near my eye,” said the assaulted driver.

The wave of insecurity that hits bus line workers does not let up. To the triple attack that occurred between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning at different points in the Buenos Aires suburbs, three other violent episodes were now added: two drivers were assaulted while they were traveling in the district of The slaughter while an inspector was stabbed by a passenger at a stop located in the heart of the City of Buenos Aires.

The first events occurred yesterday morning in the Matanzas town of Isidro Casanova, near a settlement. There, two drivers of line 172 and several passengers were robbed by criminals, which led to a strike that affected seven bus lines.

According to what was revealed, first a criminal boarded inmate 208 to rob the passengers and the driver, identified as César Rojas. As soon as he got into the car, the thief displayed a firearm but without imagining it, he encountered resistance from the users of the service themselves. Seeing that the assault would not be something easy, the offender chose to get off the bus without achieving what he had planned.

It may interest you: The driver murdered in La Matanza was a month away from retiring: the pain and protest of his colleagues

But his intention was different and he was not willing to give up so easily. Once in the street, and together with an accomplice, the same assailant got on another bus on the same line that was behind, inmate 210, where he did manage to steal his belongings under threats with weapons from the driver and two passengers. The bus driver was hit in the head.

“He raised his hand to me like a normal passenger, I stopped him because I saw him well dressed and there was a police booth in front. She went up and pointed the iron at my head. He stole everything from me, there were two of them, one hits me with a pineapple on the head, near the eye, ”said Pablo Coliciseano, the driver who was the victim of the second robbery, in dialogue with TN.

In this sense, the driver reported that he blew the horn of the bus to notify the police station but that “no one came out” from inside. ”This happens every day. They rob you there, cross to the village and go to buy drugs. My other partner was shot in the head, this morning in the same place, ”he said.

After learning of the new episodes of insecurity, the trade union delegates of the transport company La Cabaña called for a strike to demand security. The union measure affected seven bus lines: in addition to 172, the workers of lines 174, 242, 298, 317, 624 and 635 folded.

The operation after the attack on the inspector

More than 12 hours later, but in the heart of the City of Buenos Aires, another employee of a bus company was the victim of a savage attack. According to police sources infobaea street inspector from line 17 he was stabbed in the leg by a passenger who tried to sneak in.

It happened at a Metrobús stop located at the corner of Avenida 9 de Julio and Rivadavia, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Monserrat. In this sense, the sources indicated to this medium that before the attack, the victim told the user of the service to respect the turn, so the passenger left obfuscated. However, the situation was far from over.

Minutes later he returned, wounded him in the leg with a knife and tried to flee. But his escape plan did not work: the attacker was held by the driver and passengers until police officers stopped him.

A SAME ambulance arrived at the scene, which assisted the victim and referred her to the Argerich Hospital with a diagnosis of “cutting injury to the right leg.” The cut was superficial and the employee is out of danger. The case was left in the hands of the Flagrancia Este Prosecutor’s Office, headed by Prosecutor Horacio Peixwho ordered that proceedings be carried out for the crime of minor injuries and the arrest of the suspect, a person who apparently would be in a street situation.

In the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Flores, a City Police officer killed a criminal who wanted to assault him while he was waiting for a bus to return home. According to sources consulted by infobaeeverything happened last night in Bonorino and Fernández de la Cruz avenue, when an officer serving at the 8-A Neighborhood Police Station was approached by two criminals who tried to assault him.

One of the thieves threatened him with a weapon, for which the officer identified himself and fired shots when threatened. One of the shots hit one of the criminals, while the accomplice fled. The wounded man was transferred by SAME to the Piñero hospital, but the doctors could not do anything and he finally died.

The National Criminal and Correctional Court No. 14, in charge of Judge Uniardo, ordered the intervention of the Argentine Federal Police to investigate the fact and keep the weapon safe.

Keep reading:

There were three other attacks on buses in the Conurbano: there are injuries and several lines are unemployed
Collective crime: there are four detainees and they await the results of three key expertise to find out who shot
Thirteen fatal seconds: the key video in the case of the bus driver murdered in Virrey del Pino
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