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More temporary jobs at the end of the year and very high prices

More temporary jobs at the end of the year and very high prices

WASHINGTON — In months like October, November and December when sales and activity increase due to celebrations, a large part of retail and service companies create jobsmostly temporary.

Employers in the United States created 216,000 jobs last month, as is traditional around Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Most of these jobs are they temporary or stationaryas they are called.

Friday’s report from the Labor Department showed that jobs in December surpassed the 173,000 that were added in November. The unemployment rate remained unchanged at 3.7%, the 23rd consecutive month with a rate below 4%, thanks to the more than 10 million vacancies that remained unfilled for almost two years and whose number reached several months on almost 12 million positions.

Currently the figure exceeds 8 million jobs available throughout the country.

According to the Joe Biden administration report, average hourly wages increased 4.1% from a year ago, up from a 4% increase in November. If the data is real, it remains an obstacle for the Federal Reserve.

The proportion of people who have a job or are looking for one fell to 62.5%, the lowest level since February.

According to the Central Bank, inflation is below 4%, when with similar or lower prices in 2022 inflation levels were above 8%, a logical mathematical reasoning that conservative and independent consumers and economists use to refute the figures offered by the White House.

The discontent of Americans

Polls show that more than 85% of Americans are dissatisfied with the economy and Biden’s management.

More than 60% of Americans on average, according to studies, have to juggle family and individual finances to make ends meet and almost 30% cannot cover monthly expenses with their income.

American consumers are exasperated by high prices, which are now almost three years old. Prices are still 17% higher than before the inflationary escalation began, but in some cases the figure exceeds 30%, as in the case of food.

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell warned of tough times ahead after the central bank began raising interest rates in the spring of 2022 to attack high inflation.

And although the government denies that a recession exists, people are suffering the blows of a typical recession, while the Biden administration’s only relatively positive weapon is the market.

Under the mandate of the left, millions of Americans have been forced to look for other supplementary employment that allows them to cover their basic expenses amid high prices for housing, cars, insurance, food, along with an extensive list of products and services. necessary at home.

Salaries, despite the increases that government agencies talk about, in most cases are insufficient to cover monthly needs, so consumers are forced to turn to credit cards that suffocate them with interest. between 25% and more than 30%.

For the Biden administration, the only achievement has been the labor market, the only positive argument for the large left-wing press aligned with the White House and the interests of the extreme left in a notable rise within the country’s government spheres.

Source: With information from AP

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