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More than 100,000 minors exposed to violence in Mexico

More than 100,000 minors exposed to violence in Mexico

More than 100,000 minors in Chiapas, Mexico’s southern border, are affected by disputes between organized crime groups.

This is stated by organizations that defend the rights of children in that country.

The complaint was presented at a cultural demonstration in the plaza of La Paz, in which they demanded that the Government of Mexico, through a mural, stop the war in Chiapas.

Children and adolescents also participated in the event, seeking to give visibility to this population at risk due to violence in Mexico.

“Violence can develop stress in childhood and it can be like chronic stress or a traumatic effect disorder when very violent situations are experienced,” says Violeta Galicia, an activist with the Redim organization.

“It is not a novelty, it is something that has been growing in the last 30 years. Organizations in defense of human rights have warned that this situation could worsen, that this situation could become complicated,” adds Óscar González, from the Melel Xojobal organization.

At the end of the peaceful activity, they requested civil support to participate with donations, especially non-perishable food products, non-expired medicines and clothing.

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