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More than 500 ultra-right activists parade in Paris: “Even legal, this sordid parade damages the Republic”

Several hundred people demonstrated on Saturday May 6 in Paris to celebrate the 29th anniversary of the death, in 1994, of a far-right activist, sometimes proclaiming the slogan “Europe youth revolution” of the GUD (Union Defense Group). The Paris police headquarters estimated the number of participants at 550.

These demonstrators, dressed in black and often masked, mostly young men, displayed black flags marked with the Celtic cross and a few red smoke bombs. They gathered, in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, behind the black banner “Sebastien present”evoking the activist Sébastien Deyzieu, who died accidentally 29 years ago.

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They remained silent, except to shout “Europe youth revolution”and refused to answer questions from AFP, in an atmosphere of hostility towards the press.

An annual event

An order from the Paris police prefect had authorized the recording of images by drones during this demonstration, in order to “prevent attacks on the safety of persons and property”. The parade had as its point of arrival the rue des Chartreux (6th arrondissement) where a wreath was laid.

This event takes place every year in memory of the young activist Sébastien Deyzieu, close to the ex-GUD, who died in 1994 after slipping from a roof rue des Chartreux, during a demonstration “against American imperialism” which had been banned by the police headquarters. Some 400 people gathered at the time at the call of far-right groups “Union of Assas Students” et “Revolutionary Nationalist Youth”.

“Seeing the far right parading in the heart of Paris, wearing all its tinsel symbolizing hatred and violence, should not leave anyone indifferent”says MoDem MP Bruno Millienne on Twitter. “Even legal, this sordid parade damages the Republic and must be denounced with the greatest vigor! »

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Monday, on Twitter, the socialist senator of Paris David Assouline notably challenged the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, considering “inadmissible to have let 500 neo-Nazis and fascists parade in the heart of Paris”. ” Explain yourself ! », he summoned in his tweet. Also on Twitter, PCF spokesman Ian Brossat, elected from Paris, for his part was ironic in the middle of the day, writing: “Saucepans are obviously more dangerous than the sound of boots…”.

“The neo-Nazis parade in Paris. Among these racist and anti-Semitic thugs, a new step to impose themselves in the public space »reacted Dominique Sopo, president of SOS Racisme, who recalls that his association has “Recently lodged a complaint against the GUD and asked the Ministry of the Interior to dissolve it. »

“No tolerance can be admitted with regard to this type of fascist parades, an insult to France and the Republic”a denounced the Licra. “Ideological violence and the threat to public order must lead to their firm prohibition. »

The prefecture is justified

The Paris police headquarters (PP) justified in a long press release the non-banning of the ultra-right demonstration. According to the authorities, nearly 600 activists from the May 9 committee demonstrated on Saturday in the 6th arrondissement of Paris to celebrate the 29th anniversary of the death of an extreme right-wing activist, Sébastien Deyzieu, who died accidentally in 1994. These demonstrators , dressed in black and often masked, exhibited black flags marked with the Celtic cross and chanted, at the end of the rally, “Europe youth revolution”the slogan of the GUD (Defence Union Group), noted AFP.

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The PP points out that “Insofar as this demonstration had not caused, in previous years, any overflow or disturbance to public order, the prefect of police was not justified in issuing a prohibition order against it”.

She also argues that last January, the prefect of police’s order prohibiting a torchlight march in “Paris Pride” (reputed far-right association), had “been suspended” by the judge. The administrative court had estimated, noted the PP, that “the alleged history of disturbances on the sidelines of rallies organized by this same collective in previous years did not (allow) alone to establish a risk of disturbance to public order sufficient to justify the ban on demonstrations”.

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