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More than 50,000 Paraguayans lose more than 3 hours of their lives per day in buses

More than 50,000 Paraguayans lose more than 3 hours of their lives per day in buses

The mobility survey carried out by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) revealed several details that further demonstrate the crisis of public transport. The data shows that most of the trips made are for work, and thousands of people are affected daily by the long hours of waiting for a bus to go to or return from their jobs, in addition to the time that the trip takes.

Although the survey was carried out in 2021, it is still the current reality. According to figures published by the INE, the 51% of trips that are carried out daily in Asunción and the Metropolitan Area are of people who go to work. Of that data, almost 20% use the public transport servicethat is, about 378,000 users.

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Of the people surveyed, 15,000 confirmed that they wait almost two hours by bus, going to and from work, and the peak hours They occur in two moments: one at 6:00 a.m., the other at 5:00 p.m.

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Óscar Stark, confirmed to the channel GEN/Nación Media that there is a problem in the public transport system and that the situation may worsen if a definitive solution is not found.

“Although we are in a critical situation at the moment, it’s hard to move in the city. If we don’t take urgent measures to reform the public transportation system, more and more people are going to lose the service,” he said.

These data also reveal that more than half of the passengers use their own vehicles to commute to their jobs, they no longer resort to public transport services. This was confirmed by Stark who pointed out that this situation also represents a problem.

“We already had these data in studies carried out previously. It’s worrying. It is economically convenient for the state it is more profitable for people to travel by public transportand that suits us all as a society ”.

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