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More than 670 thousand tourists passed through the Coast

La feliz receives many tourists / The capital of Mar del Plata

The party of La Costa received a total of 672,500 tourists in the first half of January of this 2023 according to the data provided by the local Ministry of Tourism.

“The La Costa game is having a very good season. Last year’s data seemed very difficult to beat, but in this first fortnight we are maintaining those record levels and we even managed to surpass them in relation to the first fortnight of 2022”, he indicated.

“According to data from the Statistics Institute of the Universidad Atlántida Argentina, 53% of the visitors to Partido de La Costa come from the Federal Capital. This 4% increase compared to 2022 contrasts with the decrease in tourists arriving from the Buenos Aires suburbs: 25% in 2023; 37% in the same period of 2022”, it was explained.

“We are in the middle of the best summer in the history of the last 30 years. Last summer was very good, but it looks like this one is going to top it. We have full hotel occupancy and gastronomy is working very well”, considered Facundo Carlomagno, president of the Chamber of Gastronomy of the Party of La Costa.


In terms of economics, the daily spending per tourist so far is an average of 10,419, which is a figure slightly above the daily spending reported by the Argentine Confederation of Medium-Sized Enterprises in December 2022. In line with According to statistics, for the local economy of the Partido de La Costa, the first fortnight of January meant an injection of more than 104,415 million pesos.

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