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More than 688 thousand breakfasts delivered to students in Cancun

More than 688 thousand breakfasts delivered to students in Cancun.

In order to reinforce the feeding of the students and help in the economy of families in a priority situation, the System for the Comprehensive Family Development (DIF) Benito Juárezbenefited a total of 13,555 students from 95 municipal schools enrolled with more than 688,380 hot and cold breakfasts, as part of the School Breakfast program.

Paola Moncada de Herrera, honorary president of the municipal DIF, said that it is essential to ensure the health of minors, which is why the institution promotes food assistance programs with the aim of guaranteeing food safety, as well as the prevention and control of overweight, obesity and malnutrition among children.

While, Doris Marisol Sendo Rodríguez, general director of the municipal DIF, explained that during the 2022-2023 school year, 678,300 cold school breakfasts were delivered to a total of 11,305 students. Regarding the hot breakfast modality, 10 thousand 80 servings were distributed to benefit 2 thousand 250 students distributed in 95 educational centers located in priority attention areas.

More than 688 thousand breakfasts delivered to students in Cancun.

He pointed out that this year, trained personnel gave 70 nutrition orientation talks to 1,969 preschool and primary school students, and parents through the “Good Eating Plate” and “School Breakfast” programs so that students have access to healthy food to combat the problems of malnutrition.

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