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More than 80% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s immigration policy

More than 80% of Americans disapprove of Biden's immigration policy

Biden, accustomed to receiving a low rating in polls on all issues, now faces the fact that “current ratings are extraordinarily low,” according to the report, less than nine months before the presidential election, in which he aspires to win. the re-election.

Only 18% of respondents consider that the government is doing it well, while “more than 80% affirm that it is doing a bad or very bad jobincluding the 45% who say they are doing a lousy job“, it needs.

As expected, opinions are negative among Republicans (89%), but it is surprising that 73% of Democrats think the same, “the highest percentage recorded” during his term on this issue.

On the economy, Biden has received similar disqualifications and ranks as the president with the worst approval records during his three years in office.

The closure of the border and the wall

A majority of Americans (60%) are in favor of increasing the number of judges and immigration personnel to process asylum applications more quickly. Another large percent prefers the closure of the border.

The gap is abysmal when asked about the expansion of the wall along the border with Mexico, one of the most controversial policies of the mandate of Donald Trump, the favorite for the Republican presidential nomination.

In 2019, 82% of Republicans favored expanding the wall, compared to just 6% of Democrats.

In this study, 72% of conservatives want the wall along with 15% of Democrats, more than double the increase.

Why do migrants come? Responses differ among supporters of both parties, but seven in ten Americans cite “better economic opportunities in the United States as an important reason,” the study adds.

Among the reasons, Republicans lean toward the belief that “American immigration policies will make it easier to stay in the country once they arrive,” while Democrats highlight violence in their countries of origin.

Conservatives consider the issue to be “chaos” regarding immigration and national security (70%), while Democrats classify it as a “major problem.”

Source: With information from AFP

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