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More than 90 thousand users are still without light in the AMBA

A total of 92,249 users in the city of Buenos Aires and the Buenos Aires suburbs were still without electricity this afternoon despite the drop in temperature compared to previous days.

According to the register of the National Electricity Regulatory Entity (ENRE) published at 4:10 p.m., in the area concessioned to Edesur a total of 78,339 users were without power, mostly in the Buenos Aires towns of Quilmes, Avellaneda, Ezeiza, Lanús, Lomas de Zamora, Ezeiza, Esteban Echeverria and Florencio Varela

In the case of the city of Buenos Aires, the areas most affected by the cuts are the neighborhoods of Villa Lugano, Flores, Mataderos, Montserrat, Villa Crespo, Parque Chacabuco, Almagro, Villa Riachuelo, Boedo, Monte Castro, Liniers, Villa del Park and Villa Devoto.

Meanwhile, in the Edenor concession area, the total number of users without electricity added up to 13,910 especially residents in Villa Luzuriaga, Rafael Castillo and Virrey del Pino, in the Buenos Aires district of La Matanza; Grand Bourg and Los Polvorines, in Malvinas Argentinas and Francisco Álvarez, in Moreno’s party.

While in the City of Buenos Aires, the areas most affected by the interruption in electrical service are the neighborhoods of Palermo and Belgrano.

Due to the lack of electricity supply, residents of different neighborhoods of the City and the Buenos Aires suburbs held protests in order to give visibility to their claim for the lack of electricity.

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