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More violence and bullying in schools after Corona

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung

Osnabruck (ots)

More violence and bullying in schools after Corona

CDU assumes a “high number of unreported cases” and calls for school social work to be strengthened

Osnabruck. The number of crimes in schools in Lower Saxony has increased again after a decrease during the Corona period. This emerges from a request from the CDU parliamentary group.

“Although in 2022 the number of cases and suspects in the school context will increase again for the first time in several years, the crime rate from 2019 and thus before the start of the corona pandemic will not be reached in Lower Saxony,” says the answer from the state government, which is responsible for the “Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung” (NOZ) is available. According to police crime statistics, according to the state government, 2,312 crimes against brutality and personal freedom were registered in schools in 2019, and 2,157 in 2022. In the Corona years of 2020 and 2021, the offenses fell to 1,438 and 934, respectively.

Against this background, the CDU calls on the red-green state government to strengthen social work in schools. “Violence and bullying in schools cause me great concern. There are more and more descriptions of cases from analogue and digital everyday life,” explained education politician Christian Fühner in the NOZ.

In Fühner’s opinion, many students are “too careless” with pictures and their data. Platforms such as TikTok and Snapchat and the unconscious handling of them are increasingly leading to problems that could also have long-term consequences in the psychosocial area. Fühner calls for “Lower Saxony to include and permanently anchor all temporary positions at schools from the ‘Startklar in die Zukunft’ action program and the positions for the integration of Ukrainian pupils in the position plan of the state of Lower Saxony”.

According to its own information, the state has made 36 positions available for psychologists as part of the “Startklar” program to deal with the effects of the corona virus. However, these are limited to December 31 of this year.

In the meantime, the state government has admitted that it does not independently collect data on violence and bullying in schools. The regional state school authorities therefore did not have their own figures on violent incidents in schools. However, they are obliged to inform the police immediately in the event of criminal offenses. The offenses then appeared in the police crime statistics. In this context, CDU MP Fühner assumes that the number of unreported cases is “high”.

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Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung
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Phone: +49(0)541/310 207

Original content from: Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, transmitted by news aktuell

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