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Morena criticizes the ‘sit-in’ of the opposition in the Senate

Chihuahua.- Deputies from the Morena faction in the State Congress criticized the sit-in of the opposition in the Senate, which forced the ‘fast track’ session where around 20 reforms that President López Obrador sent to the Federal Legislative Branch were approved, where even senators settled down to sleep.

“Here is a Chihuahuan, Senator Madero (Gustavo), who wanted to be governor of Chihuahua, embracing Senator Xóchitl Gálvez as a ‘spoon’. Do you know what a ‘spoon’ is? They lack a neighborhood”, said the deputy Óscar Castrejón from the rostrum of the Chihuahua Congress.

Castrejón Rivas considered that the conduct of the senators was unethical and based on the argument that the proposals approved by the Senate had already gone through the Chamber of Deputies, complied with the legislative process, determined that it is a valid process and legal.

In a forum and previous interview, the coordinator of Morena, Cuauhtémoc Estrada, also criticized the attitude of Madero and Gálvez, which he considered not serious.

“The opposition at the federal level criticize some reforms where they did not appear because they were having a sleepover; there we saw Senator Madero, put a little leg on Senator Xóchitl while the Senate was in session elsewhere, ”said Estrada Sotelo.

Over the weekend, the opposition deputies took over the Senate rostrum to prevent the presentation of the reforms, but Morena and allies declared an alternate building a venue and there they held the session that was legally valid because it was held with the majority of Morena and allies, but receives ethical disqualifiers.

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