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Morena demanded that the SCJN respect the parliamentary majorities that approved Plan B

SCJN pointed out alleged irregularities in the legislative process that had the approval of Plan B in electoral matters (SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE NATION / CUARTOSCURO)

During the discussion of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) that concluded in the invalidation of Plan B in electoral matters, the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) demanded that the ministers respect the parliamentary majorities that voted in favor of the changes in the secondary laws that govern the electoral issue in the country.

Through a press release, the National Leadership of the guinda party urged the highest court in the country respect the democratic will of the parliamentary majority that, both in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate of the Republic, endorsed the reform proposal issued by the Presidency of the Republic.

In a “respectful” way, Morena urged the members of the Superior Chamber of the SCJN to work for social transformation that the population would be demanding throughout the country, in addition to assuming “the commitment” to put the people before the wishes of minorities.

Before the discussion in the SCJN for Plan B concluded, Morena issued a statement requesting respect for parliamentary majorities (Twitter/@PartidoMorenaMx)

“(…) we ask you (…) to strengthen democracy and put the good of the people before the interests of minorities of the electoral apparatus that costs millions of pesos to the public treasury in unnecessary expenses and bulky bureaucracies that offend the situation of many and many Mexicans who live in poverty”, were some of the arguments that could be read.

In addition to the above, Regeneración Nacional also launched an appeal for the vote of the ministers to be carried out with absolute awareness in favor of citizen objectives and not with presumed political overtones, because they recalled that the will of the citizenry was exposed in the conformation of the two chambers of the Congress of the Union.

“Remember that the will of the people had already been expressed in a majority way in this regard through their representatives in Congress and the Senate, the only ones empowered to legislate”

Finally, Morena trusted that the members of the Superior Chamber will opt for respect the “convenience” of the majoritythat is, moving away from the supposedly petty and political interests.

The Supreme Court continued to analyze the discussion of the Supreme Court (SCJN/CUARTOSCURO)

This Monday, May 8, the discussion on the challenges that had been filed by the Plan Bon this occasion the project was presented by the Minister Alberto Pérez Dayán and proposed to invalidate in its entirety the decree of reforms to the General Law of Social Communication, as well as the General Law of Administrative Responsibilities.

Both in the project and in some of the participation of the ministers, the majority agreed that legislative majorities —that is, the representatives of the Fourth Transformation— would have incurred in irregularities in the legislative processspecifically in what is established in articles 71 and 72 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States (CPEUM).

After hours of discussion and only with votes in favor of Yasmín Esquivel and Loretta Ortiz to continue the reform, the plenary cast eight votes for invalidate the first part of the reformsince it was considered that there were controversies in the processes that were experienced within the Legislative Power, which would not make the publication of the reform legal.

And it is that the ministers pointed out that there was a “violation of the principle of democratic deliberation”, due to the fact that the initiative was not known in time nor was it published with the anticipation required for the Chamber of Origin, which caused an optimal debate to not take place and, even, all the procedures were waived; however, the two aforementioned ministers considered that there were insufficient reasons to invalidate the decree.

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