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Morena in Guerrero condemns Bishop’s rapprochement with drug traffickers

Jesús Guerrero / Reform Agency

Tuesday, April 11, 2023 | 20:06

The state leadership of Morena in Guerrero condemned the statements made by Bishop Emeritus Salvador Rangel Mendoza, who said he had an approach with a leader of the Michoacan Family (FM) to establish a peace pact during Holy Week, in the Municipality of Taxco de Alarcón that has been submerged by violence for months.

“It is not a good message that an alliance with drug trafficking groups is preferred, rather than with the government institutions that direct the destinies of Guerrero,” Morena said in a statement.

“It is not a good sign that representatives of the Church demonstrate in favor of a negotiation, dialogue or meeting with the cells of organized crime that do so much damage to our society and take lives indiscriminately”, mentions the state leadership of this party when leaving in defense of Governor Evelyn Salgado Pineda.

The state executive committee of this political party, chaired by local deputy Jacinto González, describes the declarations of the representatives of the Catholic Church as “irresponsible” and “unfounded”.

“We categorically reject these types of statements that only seek to destabilize and discredit a legitimate government, emanating from the people and that every day does its best to transform the conditions of vulnerability that were inherited and that are fought like never before in Guerrero,” he says. Brunette.

The disagreements that have been taking place in recent weeks between the government of the Morenista Salgado Pineda and Bishop Emeritus Salvador Rangel, the Bishop of the diocese of Chilpancingo-Chilapa, Jesús González and the Archbishop of Acapulco, Leopoldo González González, is because the prelates They announced that they will go to the Vatican to expose, among other issues, the violence that is experienced in Guerrero.

But as a result of what the prelate Salvador Rangel revealed last weekend that he had agreed to peace in Taxco with an organized crime group, the state leadership of Morena met this Monday night and agreed to issue a pronouncement.

“We are facing a fragile scenario, where the church dangerously plays a role as an ally and an accomplice to organized crime, and this does not contribute to peace or the security of the people of Guerrero,” says Morena.

“The call is to avoid unnecessary risks that build delicate, perverse and tendentious scenarios, since it should not benefit anyone to incite and promote the control of territories in favor of groups outside the law,” says Morena.

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