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Morena proposes a consultation to find out if the people want to elect ministers of the SCJN

That’s right: Morena wants that the people vote to know if they want to vote to elect the ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN). It looks weird, but that’s how the proposal goes.

Ignacio Mier Velazco, coordinator of the Morena deputies, reported that his bench will propose bring to popular consultation what President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he “wanted” a few days ago: that the ministers of the SCJN be elected by popular vote.

Photo: Mario Jasso-Cuartoscuro.

The people could decide if the ministers should be elected by direct vote”, explained Mier Velazco at a press conference held in Puebla… where, by the way, He is already seeing if he grabs a governor’s bone.

According to the leader of the Morenista deputies, the election of the SCJN ministers would be like the election of any other official… well, as in theory it should be: there would be a type of campaign in which people would get to know the candidates (meritocracy, curriculum, training) and, based on that information, the good people would decide whether or not they should be part of the Supreme Court.

Photo: Darkroom

If everything goes as it is planned see AMLOraised by the leader of the deputies of Morena, lThe happy popular consultation would be held next August… once the Coahuila and State of Mexico elections are vented and before the good things begin towards the 2024 elections.

Morena’s proposal is put on the table after the ministers of the SCJN put something more than reverse to a good part of the so-called “Plan B” of the electoral reform promoted by President López Obrador: they suspended it outright.

And speaking of AMLO… this same idea was raised by the president a few days ago, on the morning of May 9, to be specific. Only he without the need for consultation: once and for all as a reform proposal and let the legislators decide.

In September I send at least 3 reforms, other social ones are coming, that of the Judiciary for that the people elect the ministers as established by the Liberal Constitution of 1857, at the time of Benito Juárez”, advanced AMLO.

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