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“Most Cubans in Miami shout and talk vulgarly”

"Most Cubans in Miami shout and talk vulgarly"

In a recent viral TikTok video, user @teresacreandoestilofg He expressed how much he was struck by the stereotypes associated with Cubans in Miami.

As she narrates in the video, she has received comments that label her as “not looking Cuban” due to her way of expressing herself, which some consider “not vulgar” compared to other Cubans in the city.

The TikToker commented that, on several occasions, she has noticed that “most Cubans in Miami shout and talk rudely” and dress in a way that is different from her style, something she says she does not identify with.

In the comments of the video, many users have shared their own experiences, both of rejection of stereotypes and pride in their Cuban roots.

“I can sense your Cuban accent, it’s just that you’re a decent and educated woman, but your Cuban accent is noticeable,” “There’s a lot of vulgarity in Miami,” “I lived in Europe, Cuban women in Europe are different,” or “I’m Cuban and I live in the United States and my vocabulary is not vulgar. It has more to do with the education and upbringing we have than where we live or where we’re from.”

These types of situations highlight the diversity within the Cuban community itself and how prejudices can affect perception and coexistence.

The video has received thousands of views and comments, highlighting the importance of not generalizing and appreciating cultural diversity without falling into negative stigmatization.

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