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Mother diagnosed with terminal cancer writes diary for daughters

Some stories are so moving that they even seem like a movie script. This is the case for Alex Jamieson, 39 years old. The woman is the mother of two daughters and was diagnosed with cancer for the third time in September this year.

In an interview with The Mirror, Alex says doctors gave him only 14 months to live. In a terminal phase, the Englishwoman now runs against time to write her memories in diaries that she intends to leave as a memory to her two daughters.

Alex’s fight against cancer began in 2018, when she began to experience severe pain and discomfort in her abdomen. The Englishwoman reports that she even excreted blood with the bowel movements, in addition to feeling constantly exhausted. At first, the woman attributed the symptoms to her busy life, as she tried to reconcile motherhood and work.

When seeking medical help, the Englishwoman was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, an inflammation that affects the gastrointestinal tract and damages the lower part of the small intestine causing diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever and rectal bleeding.

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After receiving the diagnosis, Alex began treatment with medication, however, the symptoms did not subside. She says that she imagined it to be another disease, but at no time did she consider having cancer.

Just three years later, in 2021, the right diagnosis came. Alex got very sick and had to be taken to an emergency room. A battery of tests showed that there was an intestinal obstruction, and she would need to undergo surgery to remove part of the intestine.

Two weeks later, while recovering from the operation, the Englishwoman received information that, during the procedure, doctors discovered the presence of colorectal cancer. Although the tumor was at an advanced stage, the cancer was removed in surgery. But Alex would need to undergo chemotherapy for six months to ensure that no traces of the disease were left in his body.

Five months into chemotherapy, a scan showed that the cancer had returned and had spread to nearby organs and tissues. Alex underwent another operation in March 2022. The woman had her uterus and other tumor cells removed.

Relieved, she thought all her suffering was over and took a trip to Mexico with her husband Paul, and their two daughters, Annabel and Imogen, in celebration. .

However, when the Englishwoman returned home, she had to undergo a CT scan to assess whether she was still well. To her surprise, the results showed that the cancer had returned, and this time, it was incurable. Experts said she had 14 to 16 months to live.

Alex and Paul haven’t told their daughters how much time their mother has left, but they explain that she is sick and the doctors can’t do anything anymore to help her. “We don’t want it to be a big shock for them, so we prepared them. We try to live life as normally as possible,” she explains.

The woman is under palliative care to make her life as comfortable as possible. At that moment, the mother fears that the daughters will not remember her after she is gone. So she started keeping diaries telling her daughters’ birth stories, and other stories about the girls, to comfort them in the future.

Alex also wants to write letters to open at important moments in life, such as the wedding day. “It will be like you’re there with them, even if I’m not,” he explains.

“Obviously I want to spend as much time as possible with Paul, but it’s more important that the girls remember me. I want to be there for them in the future in some way, I really want them to know how much they meant to me,” says Alex.

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