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Mother pleads from Cuba for a visa to attend her son’s funeral in the US.


Vilma Góngora is a Cuban mother who begs from the island for a humanitarian visa that allows him to attend the funeral of his 25-year-old son this weekend in Hialeah.

The young man died in recent days as a result of severe head trauma suffered in a tragic car accident on I-95, which kept him in a coma for five months.

“The only thing I would like is to go there to say goodbye to my son for the last time, that I could not see him alive or see him sick”he said in statements to Telemundo 51 the woman, requesting for months of humanitarian parolewithout having received an answer so far.

On the night of the fatal accident, young Reidel Hernández, then 24 years old, was traveling in the vehicle with his brother, sister-in-law and a friend.

“A car was coming from the opposite side and it hit us hard from the front”said Reinelis, the deceased youth’s brother. The only one seriously damaged was young Reidel.

“My brother-in-law was the happiest that day. We were all there,” said María, the victim’s sister-in-law.

“We were very happy but that happiness is not going to return. Nothing is going to come back to us, but at least we can avoid the same thing for other people, because a person like that man shouldn’t be on the street loose,” said Sheila Montes de Oca, a family friend.

“Her mom really should have been here from the beginning maybe everything would have been different because there’s nothing like a mother’s love and a mother’s care,” she added.

The family visited a congressman’s office for help for months, but the attempt was unsuccessful.

In recent years there have been several records of mothers applying for a humanitarian visa to travel to the United States to accompany their seriously ill children or to attend their funerals.

In February of this year, the Cuban Anna Lidia Beltrán received approval for a humanitarian visa that would allow her to travel to the United States, where her son was hospitalized in critical condition after suffering a traffic accident. Unfortunately, the young man passed away shortly after Anna Lidia arrived in the United States.

In that case, the office of Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio helped in the management of the humanitarian visa, as reported at the time.

In recent days, the case of Belkis Martínez, another Cuban mother who is waiting for a humanitarian visa to travel to the US to accompany his daughter, who is awaiting a heart transplant. The young woman has been admitted to intensive care since July 20, after being diagnosed with heart disease.

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