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Mr. Scholz, a leader sometimes gets his hands dirty

While the FDP and the Greens get caught, Olaf Scholz just watches. The chancellor does not live up to his own claim to leadership.

The opposition has never had it so easy. A government that does not manage to get the issues out of the way in just under 30 hours. At some of these around 30 construction sites, the SPD, Greens and FDP have been tinkering around for months: planning acceleration for the rail and road network, for example, dealing with oil and gas heating, basic child security, the household.

More with every hour coalition committee in the Chancellery without a press conference and without results, the impression of a “government crisis” (Friedrich Merz, CDU) becomes more reinforced. Left parliamentary group leader Dietmar Bartsch sees the coalition as “an ever greater problem for Germany”.

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Criticism from the opposition is to be expected. The key question is how strong the government comes out of this summit. Or how weakened. In the past few weeks, it was the SPD that looked on as the Greens, as climate protection advocates, took part in the FDP processed as a business party. The stubbornness of these two junior partners makes democracy less attractive to the citizens.

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Nevertheless, the chancellor paints a worse picture by watching too often. “Anyone who orders a tour from me will get it,” said Olaf Scholz (SPD) on many occasions. However, Scholz has not kept this promise in Ukraine policy, not even in the nuclear dispute over longer periods AKW runtimes, when his word of power came far too late. And not now either.

The behavior of SPD, greens and FDP is reminiscent of a sandbox dispute, so the chancellor shouldn’t be above pulling the brawlers out of the sandbox. Because leadership also means getting your hands dirty from time to time.

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