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Multiple sclerosis: experimental treatment reverses paralysis in mice

Multiple sclerosis is a progressive degenerative autoimmune disease, which causes paralysis in part of the patients. Science still doesn’t know exactly what triggers the condition, and there is no completely effective treatment. However, researchers at Harvard University, in the United States, took another step towards a therapy that works against the disease. The study was published in the scientific journal PNAS on April 19.

Scientists have even managed to reverse paralysis in mice using a kind of “backpack” with medication that is installed in myeloid cells. In multiple sclerosis, the myelin bar that covers the nerves deteriorates due to inflammation caused by the organism itself, disrupting the body’s communication with the brain and making it difficult for the limbs to move. The attack is led by the patient’s defense cells.

Scientists harvested myeloid cells (defense units linked to inflammation) from healthy mice and installed disks with anti-inflammatory drugs on their surfaces.

The cells were placed in animals with a condition similar to that of multiple sclerosis, and were able to improve the body’s immune response to the inflammation caused by the disease. Partial reversal of paralysis and improvement of motor functions was observed.

“These are very flexible cells that can vary in different states and are therefore difficult to control. Our backpack made of biomaterial is an effective way to keep them in their anti-inflammatory function”, says bioengineer Samir Mitragotri, the senior author of the study.

Scientists must continue to study the technique, this time against a recurring form of multiple sclerosis. If the treatment works, it can be combined with other medications to ensure that the patient’s immune system is working properly.

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