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Municipal workers raise more than 130 thousand pocket pesos since March

The Federation of Municipal Workers Unions and the representatives of Mayors and Communal Presidents reached a salary agreement that will be paid based on the current salary policy in each jurisdiction as follows: 21% in the month of March, 4% in April, 5% in May, 6% for the month of June (achieving 36% that enters the Christmas bonus) and 4% in July.

This agreement reaches active personnel (permanent staff, contracted, temporary and/or other contracting modality) of all the municipalities and communes of the province of Santa Fe. In the same way, the agreed increase raises the Guaranteed Minimum Pocket Wage to the sum of $131,046 for the month of March and $151,623 for the month of July.

As is known, the parity agreements set the minimum reference values ​​in the provincial orderwhich makes it possible for many Unions to agree on higher wage policies at the local level.

The percentage of salary increase and the established sections and percentages must be transferred to the passive beneficiaries of all the Municipal Funds and the Retirement and Pension Fund of the Province of Santa Fe.

The joint table agreed to meet again on July 24 in order to review the agreed salary policy and the evolution of inflationary variables.

It was also a matter of debate urgent need to update the Family Allowances and the regularization of the health services provided by Obra Social IAPOS. A work table was institutionalized, which will hold its first meeting next week, jointly requesting the intervention of the Minister of Labor of this Province.

The minutes were signed by joint representatives of FESTRAM and by the Mayors and Community Presidents representing: Villa Gobernador Gálvez, Venado Tuerto, Reconquista, Tostado, Sauce Viejo, Montes de Oca, Helvecia and with the coordination of the Secretariat for Integration and Institutional Strengthening.

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