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Murder of Kevin and Leslie: two new suspects indicted and imprisoned

Two young men were indicted and placed in pre-trial detention this Friday, April 14 in the investigation for « assassinated » opened after the death of Leslie Hoorelbeke and Kevin Trompat, a couple from Deux-Sèvres whose bodies were found in early March, the prosecution said in a press release.

Leslie and Kevin, the mystery of the cursed lovers

Aged 23 and residing in the Angers region, Mickaël Z. was indicted for “murders”, “kidnapping and sequestration”, “modification of a crime scene” et “concealment of corpse”said the public prosecutor of Poitiers Cyril Lacombe.

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A second suspect, Stevan M., 24, residing in Normandy, was also indicted on the same counts, with the exception of that of“murders”according to the prosecution.

A mobile still unclear

These new arrests come a month and a half after the incarceration of three suspects in the entourage of the two victims.

At the heart of the case, Tom T., 22, a friend who was to host the two lovers the night of the events in his house in Prahecq, had been arrested in Vendée at the end of February and indicted for kidnapping and forcible confinement.

Nathan B., 22, and Enzo C., 23, who had been taken into police custody in a second time, were indicted for murder, kidnapping and forcible confinement, and modification of a crime scene.

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Disappearance of Kevin and Leslie: what we know about the case after the discovery of two bodies

A few hours later, the bodies of Kevin and Leslie were found, buried in a field, behind a hill, and in a wooded area near Puyravault (Charente-Maritime), about fifty kilometers from the place of their disappearance. .

Both victims were killed by blows delivered with a ” blunt object “according to the Poitiers prosecution, but the motive of the suspects remains unclear, between “sentimental disappointment and/or financial debt”tracks mentioned by the prosecutor.

The first could be related to possible feelings of Tom T. towards Leslie, of which he was the friend and who had put in a couple with Kevin shortly before the disappearance. The second could be linked to drug trafficking in which Kevin took part.

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