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Murder of Rose: the suspect described as “left to himself since childhood” by a close family member

The 15-year-old suffers from impaired discernment. A psychological expertise carried out during his police custody reveals that he presents a danger to others.

He made use of his right to silence during his police custody, gave no explanation for his gesture. The 15-year-old teenager suspected of having killed a 5-year-old girl in Rambervillers (Vosges) is described as having “disorders since childhood” by a relative of his family interviewed by BFMTV.

“He was getting slapped in the head”

This person who wishes to remain anonymous, describes a violent family climate for this teenager “left to himself”. “He had a difficult childhood, his father hit his children from a previous marriage, details this relative. They did not have an easy life and today they no longer speak to him.” The young boy was also the victim of these beatings.

“As a child at the slightest crisis, at the slightest anger, he was slapped in the head by his father, if we can say his ‘father’, finally the man who recognized him”, continues the relative of this family.

“Troubles Since Childhood”

According to this witness, the teenager’s mother did not take care of him either. “The mother, who also suffers from an intellectual disability, did not help either, indicates this relative. He has had problems since childhood, they have never supported him, they have never taken him to seek help. ‘aid.”

“They never did anything for him, they left him struggling and it got worse as he grew up.”

Another relative met by BFMTV assures that he was followed by a psychologist for his troubles. “He talks to his bike, when he goes out on his own he does some bullshit,” he says.

Accustomed to hanging out “all alone in the street since childhood”, it was in a square that he met Rose, where the little girl was playing. When the gendarmes are informed of the disappearance of the 5-year-old girl, the teenager will contact them to tell them that he is with her. Arriving at the young man’s home, they discover the child’s body in a bag. He has since been taken into custody and is due to appear before an investigating judge on Thursday.

The teenager is already known to the police since he is indicted for acts of rape, sexual assault and kidnapping committed on children aged 10 and 11 in February 2022. He had been placed under judicial control , because of his age, in a closed educational center outside the Vosges. This placement was lifted in February 2023, and had returned to live with his family.

A psychiatric expertise ordered as part of this procedure concluded that there were no mental disorders but showed that the adolescent suffered from a slight mental deficiency, self-centered functioning, and psycho-affective immaturity. Seen by experts during his police custody, the latter noted in the suspect “dangerousness for others”.

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