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MVLL forgot Isabel: Spanish press affirms that he returned with Patricia Llosa

He buried his past. After months of the breakup of Mario Vargas Llosa and Isabella Preysler In December 2022, the Spanish press captured the writer on different occasions with Patricia Llosahis ex wife.

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The couple’s last meeting took place with their family, in a well-known Madrid restaurant, on Sunday, February 5. Mario and Patricia left separately, but got into the same car.

According to the Spanish press, this fact means that both would have resumed their romantic relationship. As Nacho Gay indicates, the images reinforce reconciliation.

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“Mario has always liked to eat with his family on Sundays and he is trying to recover it. They are going to have it again (a relationship) because the impediment of Isabel Preysler no longer exists,” added the press man.

In addition, he stressed that it is common for Mario Vargas Llosa to return with Patricia: “They have returned because it is what they had before, a family relationship rather than a marriage.”

MVLL and Patrica Llosa at the moment they leave the restaurant in Madrid.

Patricia Llosa would have warned Isabel about MVLL: “He disappears for a month with a woman”

In the midst of the rumors of the reconciliation between MVLL and Patricia Llosa, due to the meeting they had in Madrid, the Spanish media revealed that the ex-wife of the Nobel Prize winner would have contacted Isabel days after they confirmed their sentimental relationship.

By not getting a response by phone, Patricia would have written him a letter, as the journalist Pilar Vidal commented to the program ‘Espejo público’.

In the letter, Llosa warns Preysler that “Don’t take the Nobel’s intentions seriously”. The letter also recounts the infidelities that Vargas Llosa committed to Patricia during her relationship, and according to Pilar, Patricia told Presyler that she was “one more whim”

“Although the marriage may seem broken, it has been broken for many years, because he has the habit of disappearing for a month with a woman,” It would have been another of the alerts.

Patricia Llosa, ex-wife of Mario Vargas Llosa, was already aware of the separation. According to Informalia, Patricia said that she was satisfied with the distance between MVLL and Isabel Preysler. “She was convinced that this relationship was not for life and time has proved her right,” says the aforementioned portal. (Source: America TV)


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