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My Hero Academia: This is how All Might looks like a Marvel character

all the fandom of My Hero Academia recognize the skills of all maywhich was so powerful in the universe of Kohei Horikoshi that he began to be recognized as the symbol of peace.

For this reason, this fanart from a Reddit user shows us the greatest hero of My Hero Academia as if he were one of the characters from the famous comics of Marvel.

The user PADI_ART shared this version of All Might that seems to come out of any page of a comic. Although from the manga he already had a resemblance to these American superheroes.

Fan art of All Might as a Marvel superhero

All Might as a superhero from Marvel or DC Comics.

The illustration shared by alpha beta of All Might of My Hero Academia It is impressive, because the author of the fanart managed to capture all the characteristics of the character of Kohei Horikoshi like a superhero from “Marvel”, “DC Comics” or “The Boys”. Well, he sports the shading, muscles, and pose that we’ve all seen from these heroes.

In addition, the colors that the mangaka chose make it fit perfectly with the version of the superheroes of the United States. the uniform of All Might It is blue in color with red, white, and gold trim. Likewise, he wears a red cape like Superman.

All Might it’s actually called Toshinori Yagiis a professional hero of the UA Academy and although he seems to wear the United States flag on his uniform, the greatest hero of My Hero Academia was born in Tokyo, Japan.

It may interest you: My Hero Academia: Will All Might join in the final battle?

Where can I see My Hero Academia in Mexico?

Watch all the My Hero Academia anime on Crunchyroll.

the anime of My Hero Academia is available on Crunchyrollthe streaming platform has six seasons with Spanish subtitles legally in Mexico and Latin America.

In case you haven’t read it yet, here at The Truth News We share the leaked spoilers for the next chapter of the My Hero Academia manga.

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